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Rust xbox digital code

We got our teammates from the other server authed on all of our 70 turrets and started filling our china walls with HVs, AKs and kits. We saw them pull into fishing village when they saw us, so we obviously turned our ass around and headed back to base to prepare our defences. We got half way and saw two rhibs coming towards us, as they got closer we saw they were both full of full metals with rocket launchers.

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So tonight (as a 8 man team-because we knew they were all online along with their 4 man allied team) we got our raid base materials ready and took two rhibs and made our way across the map. For the last 3 days we have farmed and farmed to get 200 rockets with wanting to try again with the help of some friends from another server.

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So we (a 4 man team) have failed to online a 8 man team twice, which has been very demotivating for us all because usually we raid fine but these guys just rocket pvp.

Rust xbox digital code