Polyworks cmm
Polyworks cmm

polyworks cmm polyworks cmm

(Quebec City, Canada) and Hexagon Metrology, Inc. “From providing quality support to finding answers on short notice or even developing custom macros to solve specific issues – which can lead to future improvements to the software – service is one of the company's priorities,” adds Hehlen.InnovMetric Software Inc.

polyworks cmm

Beyond traditional software support, its experts are also able to provide specific and tailored answers to the issues entrusted to them. Together with its network of partners, InnovMetric has a technical support team with extensive experience in industrial metrology, product engineering, and manufacturing, which is made up of more than 150 application specialists speaking 20 different languages and directly supporting users in 43 countries. « The company will not hesitate to claim that it has taken technical support to an unprecedented level in its market,” he explains. “For the InnovMetric group, service is an essential element,” states Thibault Hehlen, Commercial Manager of PolyWorks Europa. The solution’s modern, user-friendly, and intuitive interface – especially in its 2020 version – is also highly appreciated, as are its advanced features.” Above all, thanks to plugins, PolyWorks is compatible with our park of mobile and fixed technologies such as laser trackers, arms, CMMs, and more, which is not the case with other software that we sometimes have to use. “As specialists in three-dimensional measurement, we also use other software, but we particularly appreciate the follow-up and support provided by PolyWorks Europa, with the possibility of getting answers even outside regular hours due to the location of support teams worldwide. “At MSL Métrologie, we have been using PolyWorks since the company was founded five years ago,” says Benoît Rotereau, founder of MSL Métrologie.

Polyworks cmm